Monday, September 14, 2009

U2!!!!!!!!! and other not as magical things...

I was walking home today and I saw a man lying on the sidewalk. He was unconscious....and I was told later that he had been punched, and knocked unconscious. He was bleeding as I passed him...there were many people standing around him....but no one was doing anything to help the man. The cops were there...they too were standing near the man, doing nothing. Since I have had quite a bit of first aid training in the past, I felt that I should at least ask if I could help. I saw that the man was breathing, but fluid was running out of his ears....a sign of a possible spinal injury. I asked the police if I could help, telling them that I was trained....they said no...instead, they yelled at the man's friend who was obviously scared and was checking the man's pulse. I stayed a little while longer until I heard the ambulance coming...and left the scene. But still, I wondered why they had not let me help the man....did they know something I didnt? Were they not convinced that I could help? Did they simply not care about the man lying on the ground? Regardless, it was an experience I won't forget.

It reminded me how easy it is for us who live in North America to walk through life completely unfazed by all the hurt, and injustices that surround us. Sure, we hear about them...we read about the terrible things that happen to other ppl in the papers and we see the news headlines on TV....but usually, we can either dismiss it as a rarity in our society...or the result of incompetent people making stupid choices. We simply walk by, or stand and watch.

What we don't realize is that we all have a role to play in the suffering of others....whether it be the suffering of people in the inner city, or the suffering of those over seas...or life of luxury contributes the suffering of others.

How? I could go on and on and on and on and on and on about how....instead, I think I will leave it at one simple statement that does no justice to this topic at all.

By simply living in North America, we support a capitalist system that thrives on maintaining a hierarchical structure...thus, we NEED poor, undermined, and exploited people in order for us to stay where we we dont lose anything! However, we have a choice...we can either choose to do nothing about this injustice and simply stand by (like the police). Or we can give a voice to those who have whatever way we can. We can serve, we can advocate, we can watch how and where we spend our money....etc etc. again....I could go on....but i wont

This is far too deep for a Monday night....augh. If you wish to argue with me....please do! I love feedback on these stupid things.....augh I hate blogging.


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