Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hi Everyone!

The thing I love about Chicago is that there is always something to do and to see. I could live here my whole life and not see everything there is to see. Today i am going to the Chicago Jazz Festival...which I am very excited about! Anyways...

This week the focus of our training shifted from trying to orientate ourselves to our new trying to build a sense of community and a greater sense of self. We have done several community building activities and have taken an enneagram test which helps us discover what personality we have, (i know that sounds dumb, but i cant describe it any other way) and hopefully provide us with greater knowledge on what we can expect of ourselves and of others. I would suggest taking the test...its kind of fun.

We also got a change to our flight plan to Africa, and I get to visit Europe!!!......for 3 hours :( Just long enough to exit the airport in Amsterdam and hopefully not get into too much trouble. But for now I will leave. Have an excellent day.


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