Saturday, January 9, 2010

Holiday Blog

The past few weeks have been BEAUTIFUL here in SA! We spent a lot of time with friends, celebrated the holidays, and got to travel down the coast for Menno Retreat 2010! We also have only recently Obviously, celebrating the holidays in another country, very very far away from family is bittersweet experience, but luckily, the sweet out weighed the bitter in this case! Also, I was able to see how amazing and hospitable the people from church are, as they had no problem having us over for meals and even having us down for Christmas day! Here are some of the highlights from the past few weeks:

1.) Being invited down for many many meals. It was such a blessing through and through.
2.) Being outside at 2 in the morning on new years in shorts and a t-shirt...and still being hot.
3.) Capturing the "Goulet award" at Menno Retreat 2010 by means of dominating "The Suderman Race" created by Andrew and Karen Suderman.
4.) Having NO carpenters working outside our door...thus waking up to relative silence.
5.) Praying in the new year at church....very cool.
6.) Going for a run at 5 am on new years day....losing my key to get in...waiting outside for about an hour until Gabby finally poked Anna through the window in order to wake her up. She wasn't happy.
7.) Initiating our first (of hopefully many) Ultimate Frisbee days with some friends.
8.) Going skating in cautioned, Skating is a VERY strong term used to describe what we were capable of doing on that ice.
9.) Going to the beach a few times and continuing to get owned by the sun every single time.
10.) Not singing Christmas songs on christmas morning...there's a first for everything.

This is a short, not so deep blog entry....but hopefully (if i find time in my very very busy schedule) I will post a more meaningful blog post! Hope all is well for you guys...and thanks for following!

1 comment:

  1. Number 6: I wasn't angry, I was just really confused why Gabby was sticking her head through the window and why she wasn't in Durban at that point :-)
