Thursday, October 22, 2009

Im very sorry about this blog

Its been nearly three weeks since I last posted a blog...but as life gets busier, my blog just doesnt keep i still hate it! However, this is in fact, the 4th time i have sat down to write an entry....i deleted the past 3 because they simply turned into rants. Hopefully this one will hold some structure. Firstly......

TIM STORY #3!!!!!! Oh excited.

This time, were goin WAY back....all the way back to our first week in Chicago. I had just recently met Tim and the rest of our team, and obviously the first few days a little awkward and we all differ in the way we break this awkwardness. Tims approach was....different. One of the first things he ever said to me was, "did you know I used to be a communist?" I responded appropriately, "I assumed so, as I used to be one as well" His eyes lit up. "Have you ever read the communist manifesto?" he continued. I paused for a second, choosing my words carefully. "Absolutely I have. In fact, I have most of it memorized." I have never seen someone so stunned. He continued on for the next 5 minutes telling me that Marx had it wrong and how he no longer thought he was a genius. I responded sporadically, making up quotes from the manifesto in order to counter his argument...clearly i won. The debate ended with me saying that no matter how close the gap between the rich and the poor got, communism would never work. we have not talked about this subject since.

This past week has been one of challenge, and one of great joy. I have finally felt completely at home in South Africa, but only after a weekend that consisted of a great deal of frustration. I will spare you some of the details of the weekend, as there will be a video posted on facebook quite soon...i think. There are 3 things I want to mention though: 1.) The Kids Camp 2.) The Game reserve 3.) Some thoughts on what God is doing in SA.

1.) The kids camp was....sigh....i dont even know how to start this. It feels like ive talked about it too much and reflected on it to death. But i guess i must do it again. Basically, about 80 kids showed up at the church property for a weekend intended to help them encounter God in a powerful way. However, the only powerful way that I could see them encountering God is through fear. One of the first things that they did was show the children a clip from the passion of the christ. They showed the crucifixion scene...yup...the one with all the blood, all the gore, all the weeping...etc etc. Not surpsingly, we had kids in tears and covering their eyes by the end of it. However, they stopped the clip after that, not realizing what they missed, perhaps. Talking with kids later on, we noticed something....some of the kids werent even aware that Jesus had risen from the dead! All they knew is that He died and suffered! So when we asked kids what the cross meant to them, the most common response was "guilt." I found it incredibly sad that they only knew that Jesus died, not necassarily that He died to save us at this point, and not that He lived for us too, conquering death while he was at it! Overall, a lot of the camp seemed quite forced. They made children stand up in front of everyone and repeat the sinners prayer (sure they said that everyone should close their eyes, but really? when your 10, will you follow that?), completely defeating the purpose of CHOOSING to follow God. That choice doesnt mean a thing if its forced upon you...and it has no life changing/life giving potential from then on. Its simply legalistic....saving souls and keeping score...thats where it ends. (remember what i said about ranting?...I am sorry) However, the camp did accomplish its goal. A lot of kids came to know Christ in a much deeper way, and for that it was good. But overall, quite a frustrating weekend.

2.) On monday we went to see animals! aka...all my childhood dreams came true. That is all.

3.) I feel a certain amount of guilt for the way I felt abou the camp this weekend. In truth, i have felt a large amount of discomfort with a lot of the ideologies i have encountered in South Africa. However, for everything that I have found frustrating, uncomfortable, and perhaps just wrong...this Church is certainly a Church for the people of God. The relentless pursuit of souls is something admirable, even to someone who questions the effectiveness of such evangelism. As a Christian, no one can argue against the pursuit of souls, or the holy spirit, or baptism in the holy matter how uncomfortable it may be for us (in the north american church) at times. (watching people convulse and scream in the middle of church is something to get used to) However, i think that at times, we write it off too quickly as fake, unrealistic...and even not of God. I would say that we can learn a lot from BCI, just as BCI can probably learn a lot from us. In BCI, I have seen what it means to hunger for the presence of God in our lives, and just how importatn that presence is. Too often, we like to categorize God...make Him A PART of our life, but not let Him consume our lives and our very being. That doesnt mean that every word out of our mouth needs to recite scripture...but it does mean that we have a job as the Church to live our lives the way God intended....not just pull Him out whenever were in trouble, or we need something to make us feel better when we judge others. BCI has shown me that living for God does not end at noon on sunday....but continues all week. Its a beautiful thing to see.

This blog took on a life of its own and i apologize for you....but seeing as its unlikely that anyone has actually read this far. I am just gonna spew nonsense for a little while. I keep on chasing a stupid mouse around the house...imust look like an idiot. how can something so small make all the girls freak out (twss)? Its ridiculous. Also, connie made indian food today...yup yup yup! I make sleep now...night.



  1. no matter how many times I hear that Tim story I laugh so much...its great to see that this experience is helping you think more about our faith as Christians and if I had been in your position I probably would be ranting as well...also for the record, of course i read all the way to the end, every single last word...look forward to the next one even though you hate writing them haha

  2. This tim story is clearly exagerrated...
    I totally would have known if he had made stuff up from the Manifesto.

  3. i really like this blog! ahhh...i'm glad your wrote the #3 one because ahh well i need to think about that too...

  4. Wow. Interesting. Thanks for writing about this. Also: you are terrible at not ranting. And I'm glad your childhood dreams came true. Lol.

  5. Thanks for writing, Kyle, despite the pain in causes! Keep wrestling with the differences, and appreciating the things we all hold in common! You have many gifts to give those who are supporting you! - Lyz
