Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life in SA has been slowing down lately, so I have finally had a desire to blog again. The end of November was quite busy as everything was coming to a close (school ends in november here). We had many closing activities including a Kids Klub Sports Day, and a "P" Party. We also have a new member of our team, her name is Dwight, and we found her in a pile of wood. Anyways, enough of the small talk...Tim Story time!!!

Tim Story: When we were in Chicago for our training, Tim, two of our other friends, and myself were standing in one of the rooms talking. Tired of standing, Tim decided to jump up onto his bed. However, he forgot that he slept on the middle bunk of a 3 bed bunk-bed. So, as he jumped up (backwards) he slammed his head on the bottom of the top bunk. I have never been so scared, and then so happy to see that he didn't completely destroy his head....though it has had some consequences now, as he has unlearned how to tie his shoes.

I've been reading through Hebrews lately, and it talks about spiritual maturity. I thought this was an interesting term because too often we tend to focus on spiritual "knowingness" versus spiritual maturity, which I believe is a much more attainable goal.

Coming from a Mennonite church and now working with a Charistmatic church, there was some readjustment (growing pains) that had to take place for my team and I. Everything was different, everything was new, making it easy for us to become a little defensive and to just sit on our own theology. I have even witnessed some debates about which approach to the Christian faith is "right." The problem with these debates is that they focus too much on "knowingness" rather than genuine, spiritual maturity....which includes the ability to look at your own theology and view it through a critical lens.

So instead of being on a constant search of knowingness (honestly, if anyone can say they know exactly who God is...i would want to speak with them), I think Christians should be seeking spirtual maturity in the form of; church unity, a desire for spiritual challenges, and an active faith.

Ofcourse, this isn't simply a decision that can be made over night....this is a process that will last an entire lifetime and it will inevitably take a great amount of sacrifice and endurance. However, in the will all be worth it.

I want to thank you for the comments on my last blog/rant. Tim now responds to "chenger"....its a wonderful thing.